76. tolerate → put up with
To accept an unpleasant situation, experience, or person
불쾌한 상황, 경험 또는 사람을 받아들이다; 참다
- Example:
- They put up with the heat during the summer.
- I can’t put up with the noise any longer.
77. escape → run away
To leave a place or person secretly and suddenly
어떤 장소나 사람을 몰래 그리고 갑자기 떠나다
- Example:
- He tried to catch the thief before he could run away.
- The dog ran away when the gate was left open.
78. finish → run out
To finish, use, or sell all of something
무언가를 다 쓰거나 사용하거나 판매하다
- Example:
- We ran out of milk, so I need to buy more.
- I hope we don’t run out of gas on the way.
79. meet → run into
To meet someone you know when you are not expecting to
예상치 못한 상황에서 아는 사람과 우연히 만나다
- Example:
- I ran into my old friend at the store.
- He ran into a colleague at the coffee shop.
80. practice → run through
To practice something
무언가를 연습하다
- Example:
- We need to run through the presentation before the meeting.
- I like to run through my speech in front of a mirror.
81. reserve → set aside
To save something, usually money or time, for a special purpose
돈이나 시간 등을 특별한 목적을 위해 챙겨두다
- Example:
- I set aside some money for my vacation.
- They set aside time for family dinners every Sunday.
82. establish → set up
To formally establish a new company, organization, system, or way of working
새로운 회사, 조직, 시스템, 작업 방식을 공식적으로 설립하다
- Example:
- They set up a new company last year.
- He set up a system to track project progress.
83. arrive → show up
To arrive for a gathering or event
모임이나 행사에 도착하다, 나타나다
- Example:
- I was surprised when he showed up to the party unexpectedly.
- He always shows up late to meetings.
84. adjust → settle in
To become familiar with somewhere new
새로운 장소에 적응하다
- Example:
- She quickly settled in at her new job.
- It took me a while to settle in after moving to the new city.
85. close → shut down
To cease operating
운영을 중단하다
- Example:
- Many stores shut down during the pandemic.
- The restaurant had to shut down due to low sales.
86. separate → sort out
To separate one type of thing from a group of things
한 종류의 물건을 그룹에서 분리하다; 정리하다
- Example:
- She sorted out the clothes to donate to charity.
- They sorted out the recycling from the regular trash.
87. represent → speak for
To express the opinions or wishes of someone
다른 사람의 의견이나 바람을 대신 말하다
- Example:
- I spoke for my team during the meeting.
- She spoke for her friend when he was too shy to talk.
88. resemble → take after
To be like or to look like another family member
다른 가족 일원과 닮다
- Example:
- She takes after her mother in looks.
- He really takes after his father with his sense of humor.
89. avoid → stay away from
To avoid something or someone that will have a bad effect on you
나쁜 영향을 미칠 물건이나 사람을 피하다
- Example:
- He decided to stay away from negative people.
- You should stay away from junk food for better health.
90. understand → take in
To understand completely the meaning or importance of something
어떤 것의 의미나 중요성을 완전히 이해하다
- Example:
- It didn’t take long to take in all the information.
- He couldn’t take in the news when he first heard it.
91. remove → take off
To remove something, especially clothes
무언가를 벗다, 특히 옷 같은 것을 벗다
- Example:
- He took off his shoes as soon as he got home.
- I took off my sunglasses when I entered the building.
92. occupy → take up
To fill an amount of space or time
공간이나 시간을 차지하다
- Example:
- This sofa takes up too much space in the living room.
- I don’t want to take up too much of your time.
93. consider → think over
To consider an idea or plan carefully before making a decision
결정을 내리기 전에 아이디어나 계획을 신중하게 고려하다
- Example:
- He asked me to think over his suggestion carefully.
- She took a few days to think over the job offer.
94. discuss → talk over
To discuss a problem or situation with someone
누군가와 문제나 상황에 대해 논의하다
- Example:
- I need to talk over this decision with my family first.
- Let’s talk over our plans for the weekend.
95. decline → turn down
To refuse an offer or request
제안이나 요청을 거절하다
- Example:
- He turned down their invitation to the party.
- She politely turned down his proposal.
96. submit → turn in
To return something to an organization or a person in authority
조직이나 권한 있는 사람에게 무언가를 제출하다
- Example:
- She will turn in her resignation next week.
- They turned in their reports to the manager yesterday.
97. increase → turn up
To increase the volume or strength of sound, heat, etc.
소리, 열 등의 강도를 높이다
- Example:
- He turned up the heat because it was cold inside.
- Can you turn up the music? It’s too quiet.
98. heat → warm up
To make something hotter
무언가를 뜨겁게 하다; 데우다
- Example:
- She warmed up the leftovers in the microwave.
- He likes to warm up his hands by the bonfire.
99. spend → use up
To finish a supply of something
무언가를 다 써버리다
- Example:
- She used up all her vacation days this year.
- I’ve almost used up my battery on my phone.
100. exercise → work out
To exercise
- Example:
- I try to work out three times a week.
- He enjoys working out with his friends.
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