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100 Verbs=Phrasal Verbs (2/4)

by APM Coach 2024. 10. 11.

26. reducecut down

To do or use less of something
무언가를 줄이다

  • Example:
    • They cut down the expenses to save money.
    • She decided to cut down on sugar for her health.

27. interruptcut in

To interrupt what someone is saying by saying something yourself
누군가의 말을 끊다, 대화에 끼어들다

  • Example:
    • He cut in while she was explaining her idea.
    • I don't mean to cut in, but I have a quick question.

28. visitdrop by

To come to see someone briefly
누군가를 잠깐 보러 가다; 들르다

  • Example:
    • He dropped by to say hello and catch up.
    • I might drop by your house later.

29. handledeal with

To do something in order to achieve something or in order to solve a problem
무언가를 달성하거나 문제를 해결하기 위해 행동하다

  • Example:
    • We need to deal with this issue before it gets worse.
    • She knows how to deal with difficult customers.

30. deliverdrop off

To take someone or something to a particular place
사람이나 물건을 특정 장소로 데려가다

  • Example:
    • She dropped me off at the station.
    • He dropped off the package at my house last night.

31. breakfall apart

To break into pieces
조각조각 부서지다

  • Example:
    • The old building is falling apart and needs to be renovated.
    • After the argument, their friendship started to fall apart.

32. solvefigure out

To understand or solve something
무언가를 이해하거나 해결하다

  • Example:
    • It took me a while to figure out what he meant.
    • They couldn't figure out how the problem occurred.

33. discoverfind out

To get information about something
어떤 것에 대한 정보를 알아내다

  • Example:
    • She found out that her friend was moving away.
    • He found out about the surprise party through a friend.

34. completefill out

To write or type information in spaces that are provided for it
제공된 공간에 정보를 작성하거나 입력하다

  • Example:
    • He filled out the paperwork to apply for a loan.
    • She filled out her contact information.

35. communicateget across

To communicate an idea or message successfully
아이디어나 교훈을 성공적으로 전달하다, 이해시키다

  • Example:
    • He struggled to get his point across during the meeting.
    • It’s important to get your message across clearly.

36. manageget by

To be able to live or deal with a situation with difficulty
어떤 상황 속에서 어렵게 살아가다

  • Example:
    • It's hard to get by on a low salary.
    • She managed to get by without a car for a year.

37. enterget in

To succeed in entering a place
어떤 장소를 성공적으로 들어가다

  • Example:
    • We need to get in before the concert starts.
    • I can't believe I got in to the university of my choice!

38. eliminateget rid of

To remove something that you do not want any longer
더 이상 원하지 않는 것을 제거하다

  • Example:
    • I need to get rid of old clothes I no longer wear.
    • He found a way to get rid of the bad smell in the fridge.

39. leaveget out

To leave a vehicle, building, etc.
차량, 건물 등에서 나가다

  • Example:
    • He paid the driver and got out of the taxi.
    • They told us to get out of the pool for safety reasons.

40. donategive away

To give something to someone without asking for payment
대가를 요구하지 않고 누군가에게 물건을 주다

  • Example:
    • He gave away his toys to the neighborhood kids.
    • She decided to give away her old books to charity.

41. surrendergive in

To finally agree to something that someone wants after first refusing
처음에 거절하다가 결국 상대방이 원하는 것에 동의하다

  • Example:
    • The company had to give in to the demands of the workers.
    • After much debate, she finally decided to give in to their requests.

42. emitgive off

To produce something
무언가를 풍기다

  • Example:
    • The flowers give off a wonderful fragrance in the spring.
    • She gives off a positive energy that makes everyone feel happy.

43. quitgive up

To stop doing something before you have finished it
무언가를 끝내기 전에 그만두다

  • Example:
    • She gave up halfway through the marathon.
    • He gave up trying to convince his friends to join him on the trip.

44. distributegive out

To give something to each of a number of people
여러 사람에게 무언가를 나눠주다

  • Example:
    • They will give out free samples at the store this weekend.
    • She gave out flyers to promote the event.

45. agreego along with

To support an idea, or to agree with someone's opinion
어떤 생각을 지지하거나 상대방의 의견에 동의하다

  • Example:
    • He usually goes along with whatever his friends suggest.
    • They went along with the majority opinion during the meeting.

46. reviewgo over

To examine or look at something in a careful or detailed way
무언가를 꼼꼼하게 살피다

  • Example:
    • I went over the report before submitting it.
    • Before making a decision, let’s go over all our options.

47. playhang out

To spend a lot of time in a place or with someone
어떤 장소에서, 또는 누군가와 많은 시간을 보내다

  • Example:
    • I like to hang out with my friends at the coffee shop.
    • Do you want to hang out at the park this weekend?

48. contacthit up

To contact someone
누군가에게 연락하다

  • Example:
    • She hit up her brother to borrow his car for the weekend.
    • If you need help, just hit me up anytime.

49. end (phone call)hang up

To end a phone conversation
전화 통화를 끝내다, 끊다

  • Example:
    • I accidentally hung up the call before I could say goodbye.
    • She always hangs up on me when we argue.

50. restrainhold back

To not do something often because of fear
주로 두려움 때문에 어떤 행동을 하지 않다

  • Example:
    • I usually hold back my opinions to avoid conflict.
    • She held back from joining the team because she lacked confidence.

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