51. wait → hold on
To wait while someone else does something
상대방이 무언가를 할 동안 기다리다
- Example:
- Just hold on a minute; I need to tie my shoes.
- Can you hold on while I make a quick phone call?
52. monitor → keep track of
To continue to be informed or know about someone or something
누군가 또는 무언가에 대해 계속 알고 있다, 파악하고 있다
- Example:
- We need to keep track of all the deadlines for the project.
- He finds it hard to keep track of his friends' birthdays.
53. fire → lay off
To stop employing someone
누군가를 해고하다
- Example:
- She was laid off unexpectedly and is now looking for a new job.
- The company had to lay off several employees due to budget cuts.
54. start → kick off
To begin
- Example:
- The meeting will kick off at 10 AM sharp.
- They plan to kick off the event with a live performance.
55. disappoint → let down
To disappoint someone by failing to do what you agreed or were expected to do
약속한 일을 하지 않거나 기대에 미치지 못해 누군가를 실망시키다
- Example:
- They were counting on me, and I didn’t want to let them down.
- The ending of the movie really let me down.
56. care → look after
To take care of someone or something
사람이나 사물을 돌보다
- Example:
- They hired someone to look after the children.
- He will look after the plants while I'm away.
57. reflect → look back
To think about something that happened in the past
과거에 있던 일에 대해 생각하다
- Example:
- As I look back, I see how much I’ve grown.
- He looked back at the problems he overcame.
58. investigate → look into
To try to find out about something
어떤 것에 대한 정보를 알아내려고 하다
- Example:
- She looked into the history of the building.
- He has looked into several options for his vacation.
59. anticipate → look forward to
To feel pleased and excited about something that is going to happen
일어날 일에 대해 기쁨을 느끼다; 무언가를 기대하다
- Example:
- We are looking forward to the concert next week.
- She looks forward to seeing her friends.
60. search → look up
To check a fact or get information about something
사실을 확인하거나 무언가에 대한 정보를 얻다
- Example:
- I need to look up the word in the dictionary.
- He looked up the movie reviews before watching it.
61. admire → look up to
To admire and respect someone
누군가를 존경하다
- Example:
- He always looked up to his father.
- They look up to leaders who inspire them.
62. invent → make up
To invent something, such as an excuse or a story
변명이나 이야기를 만들어내다
- Example:
- She always makes up excuses for being late.
- He made up a funny song during the car ride.
63. ruin → mess up
To spoil or damage something, or to do something wrong or badly
무언가를 망치거나 손상시키다, 또는 무언가를 잘못 하다
- Example:
- I messed up my presentation yesterday.
- He messed up the directions, so we got lost.
64. compensate → make up for
To take the place of something lost or damaged
잃어버린 것이나 손상된 것을 대신하다; 보상하다
- Example:
- He bought dinner to make up for being late.
- She is trying to make up for her past mistakes.
65. progress → move on
To start a new activity or job
새로운 활동이나 직업을 시작하다
- Example:
- They moved on to the next project after finishing this one.
- We need to move on and not dwell on the past.
66. tell → open up
To talk about your personal thoughts or feelings
개인적인 생각이나 감정에 대해 이야기하다
- Example:
- She decided to open up about her feelings.
- He finally opened up about his childhood experiences.
67. die → pass away
To die
- Example:
- My grandfather passed away last year.
- He passed away peacefully in his sleep.
68. choose → pick out
To choose something or someone in a group
여럿 가운데에서 사물이나 사람을 고르다
- Example:
- I will pick out a dress for the party.
- They picked out the best players for the team.
69. faint → pass out
To become unconscious for a short time
잠시 동안 의식을 잃다
- Example:
- She almost passed out from the heat.
- They took him to the hospital when he passed out.
70. collect → pick up
To collect, or to go and get, someone or something
무언가를 가지러 가거나 누군가를 데리러 가다
- Example:
- They will pick up their friends at the airport.
- Can you pick up the package from the post office?
71. stop → pull over
To stop your car at the side of the road
도로 옆에 차를 세우다
- Example:
- She pulled over when she saw the police car.
- The driver had to pull over to let the ambulance pass.
72. store → put away
To put something in the place or container where it is usually kept
물건을 원래 보관하는 장소에 넣다
- Example:
- I told my kids to put away their toys.
- She put away the groceries in the kitchen.
73. wear → put on
To cover part of the body with clothes, shoes, etc.
옷이나 신발 등으로 몸을 가리다; 입다
- Example:
- I put on my jacket before going outside.
- I always put on sunscreen before going to the beach.
74. delay → put off
To delay an event or activity until a later time or date
행사나 활동을 나중으로 미루다
- Example:
- She decided to put off her vacation until later.
- They put off the project due to lack of funds.
75. assemble → put together
To put the parts of something in the correct places and join them to each other
물건의 부품을 올바른 위치에 놓고 연결시키다; 조립하다
- Example:
- I need to put together the new furniture.
- She put together a puzzle in just one hour.
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