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100 Verbs=Phrasal Verbs (1/4)

by APM Coach 2024. 10. 11.

1. misbehaveact up

To behave or operate badly
사람 또는 물건이 말을 안 듣다

  • Example:
    • She scolded her son for acting up.
    • My phone is acting up, so I need to buy a new one.

2. inquireask around

To ask a lot of different people in order to get information or help
도움이나 정보를 얻기 위해 사람들에게 이리저리 알아보다

  • Example:
    • You should ask around for opinions before you make a decision.
    • She asked around to find out more about the job.

3. supportback up

To support or help someone
누군가를 지지하거나 도움을 주다

  • Example:
    • My friends always back me up when I face challenges.
    • It’s important to back up your colleagues’ ideas in meetings.

4. toleratebear with

To be patient and wait while someone does something
누군가가 어떤 행동을 할 때 인내심을 갖고 기다리다

  • Example:
    • Please bear with me while I find the information you need.
    • I know you find the speech boring, but bear with me. This is important.

5. impressblow away

To surprise or please someone very much
누군가를 놀라게 하거나 기쁘게 하다; 감동시키다

  • Example:
    • The singer’s performance blew me away.
    • I was blown away by the view during our trip.

6. ignoreblow off

To treat something or someone as if they aren’t important
물건이나 사람을 중요하지 않은 것처럼 여기다; 바람 맞히다, 무시하다

  • Example:
    • I thought we had plans, but he blew me off.
    • He always blows off his homework until the last minute.

7. explodeblow up

To destroy something with a bomb
무언가를 폭파하다

  • Example:
    • The car blew up after the crash.
    • They blew up the old building to make space for a new one.

8. explainbreak down

To separate something into smaller parts; explain
무언가를 더 작은 부분으로 나누다; 설명하다

  • Example:
    • The teacher broke down the complex topic into simpler parts.
    • Can you break down the instructions for me? I don't understand.

9. eruptbreak out

To begin doing something
무언가가 발생하다

  • Example:
    • When the music started, everyone broke out dancing.
    • She broke out into song during the car ride.

10. decreasebring down

To reduce the level of something
무언가를 줄이다

  • Example:
    • The government is trying to bring down crime rates in the city.
    • We need to bring down the noise level in the library.

11. recruitbring in

To ask someone to do a particular job
누군가에게 특정한 일을 해달라고 요청하다

  • Example:
    • We should bring in a consultant to help with the project.
    • The company decided to bring in an expert to improve the marketing strategy.

12. mentionbring up

To start to talk about a particular subject
어떤 주제에 대해 말하기 시작하다

  • Example:
    • She always brings up politics at family dinners.
    • He brought up an interesting point about the project.

13. startburst out

To begin to do something
무언가를 하기 시작하다

  • Example:
    • She suddenly burst out laughing during the movie.
    • He burst out crying when he heard the news.

14. improvebrush up

To improve your knowledge of something already learned but partly forgotten
전에 배운 것, 잊혀져 가는 것을 다시 공부하다

  • Example:
    • I need to brush up on my Spanish before the trip.
    • He spent the weekend brushing up on his coding skills.

15. cancelcall off

To decide that a planned event will not happen
예정되어 있던 행사를 취소하다

  • Example:
    • They had to call off the picnic due to the rain.
    • She decided to call off the wedding after much thought.

16. relaxcalm down

To stop feeling upset, angry, or excited
속상한, 화가 난, 흥분한 감정을 진정시키다

  • Example:
    • It took him a while to calm down after the shocking news.
    • The teacher asked the students to calm down and listen.

17. continuecarry on

To continue doing something
무언가를 계속하다

  • Example:
    • After the break, we will carry on with the meeting.
    • She told him to carry on talking.

18. comfortcheer up

To feel encouraged and happier or make someone feel this way
격려를 받고 더 행복한 기분이 들다, 또는 누군가를 이렇게 느끼게 하다

  • Example:
    • He tried to cheer up his friend after the bad news.
    • Listening to music always cheers me up.

19. inspectcheck out

To examine something or get more information about it
무언가를 살펴보거나 더 많은 정보를 얻다

  • Example:
    • Make sure to check out the reviews before buying.
    • I want to check out that art exhibit this weekend.

20. paychip in

To give some money when paying for something with other people
돈을 내다, 특히 여러 사람이 함께 무언가를 구매할 때

  • Example:
    • We all chipped in to buy a gift for her birthday.
    • If everyone chips in, we can afford the trip.

21. tidyclean up

To make a person or place clean and tidy
사람이나 공간을 깨끗하게 하다

  • Example:
    • She asked her kids to clean up their toys.
    • He promised to clean up his room this weekend.

22. clarifyclear up

To give or find an explanation for something
어떤 것에 대한 설명을 주거나 찾다

  • Example:
    • She tried to clear up the misunderstanding.
    • They had a meeting to clear up any confusion about the project.

23. relycount on

To depend on someone or expect something
누군가에게 의지하거나 무언가를 기대하다

  • Example:
    • I can count on my friends during tough times.
    • You can count on him to tell the truth.

24. findcome across

To find something by chance
무언가를 우연히 발견하다

  • Example:
    • I came across an old photo while cleaning.
    • She came across a great book at the library.

25. shoutcry out

To shout or make a loud noise
소리치거나 큰 소리를 내다

  • Example:
    • She cried out for help when she saw the fire.
    • He cried out in joy when he won the prize.

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